女神再誕の儀・金鹿の学級 The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth (Golden Deer)
(大聖堂 昼)
Cathedral | Daytime
クロード: いよいよ女神再誕の儀の幕開けだ。俺たちの読みの成否やいかに……。
Claude: The Rite of Rebirth is finally underway. Time to see if our hunch was right.
ヒルダ: 外れるといいなー。当たったら敵と戦わなきゃなんないんでしょ?
Hilda: Ugh, I hope it’s not. Then we wouldn’t have to fight anyone.
Choice 1: 当たる Our hunch is right.
イグナーツ: みんなで知恵を集めて考えたんです。きっと当たりますよ。
Ignatz: We’ve all come to this conclusion together. I’m sure we’ve got it right.
Choice 2: 当たらない We are mistaken.
ローレンツ: 先生も、そう思うか。なんせ、クロードが自信ありげな顔をしているからね。
Lorenz: Do you really believe that, Professor? Claude certainly looks confident.
Choice 3: 女神のみぞ知る Only the goddess knows.
マリアンヌ: 主よ……何も起こりませんように……。
Marianne: Dear Goddess... Please protect us...
クロード: いずれにせよ、もう時は動き出してる。今は決めたことを実行に移すだけさ。
Claude: Right or wrong, the clock is ticking. All we can do for now is stick to the plan.
ヒルダ: あーあ、もう女神再誕の儀が始まっちゃう。結局、敵の狙いは絞り切れなかったねー。
Hilda: Oh! The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is almost starting. But we didn't figure out what the enemy's real plan is...
クロード: 心配ご無用、俺が目星をつけておいた。
Claude: Worry not. I've got it all figured out.
ヒルダ: ええっ!? さっすがクロードくんね!それでそれで?
Hilda: Really? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. What did you come up with?
クロード: 実は昨夜、敵になったつもりで大修道院の中を徘徊してみたんだよ。
Claude: Last night, I imagined myself as the enemy and prowled around the monastery.
That's when Master Thief Claude came across something very interesting...
セテス: 君たち、緊張感が足りないようだが?まもなく女神再誕の儀が行われるのだぞ。
Seteth: You seem a mite too relaxed for my liking. The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth is about to begin.
While we are in the Goddess Tower, we are relying on you to secure the locations that are lacking in defense.
フレン: 先生、聞いてくださいます?お兄様ったら、酷いのです。
心配だからお前は棺の中にでも隠れていたらどうか、なんて仰いますのよ? ふふふ。
Flayn: May I let you in on something, Professor? My brother can be a bit...callous.
He told me that he was concerned about you, and hinted that perhaps you would be better off patrolling a coffin!
セテス: そ、それは冗談だと言っただろう、フレン。お前は私の後ろにずっといなさい。
Seteth: That was said in jest, Flayn. And in confidence. Please just remain by my side and do not cause any more trouble.
As a professor, you would do well to remember that it is your duty to guide your students down the path of righteousness.
フレン: 皆さん、失礼いたします。儀式の後でまたお会いしましょうね。
Flayn: Please excuse us, everyone. We shall see you again after the ceremony has concluded!
ヒルダ: いつ見てもセテスさまって、過保護よねー。あたしの兄さんみたい……。
Hilda: Seteth is way too overprotective. He reminds me of my brother.
クロード: ほら、先生。早く身を隠して、聖廟へ下りる階段を見張ろうぜ。
Claude: Come on, Teach. I know a hidden spot where we can monitor the stairs that lead to the Holy Mausoleum.
If there’s anyone down there, they’ll be trapped like the rats they are. We’ll just have to take them down without getting bitten.
クロード: さて、話を戻すか。俺が見つけたのは、地下の聖廟にある封印された棺だ。
Claude: Back to the subject at hand. What I found last night was a sealed coffin in the underground Holy Mausoleum.
I did some research, and the only time you can easily get in and out of that place is during the Rite of Rebirth.
And because of that alleged assassination plot, it has even thinner defenses than usual. It's all too clear.